Shiloh Dynasty
The subject of discussion was ignited by a spooky voice on the album of XXXTENTACION 17. Shiloh Dynasty was the mysterious artist who gained fame through Vine and then disappeared completely from social media during 2016. In the eleven songs, Shiloh was featured on threetracks "Jocelyn Flores", "Carry On" and "Everyone Die in Their Nightmares." Magneto Dayo's Millhouse memoirs also featured Shiloh. Since then, speculation has been being rumored about her gender, whereabouts and whether she or are still alive. The XXX album along with the appearance on Millhouse Memoirs have brought an enormous amount of attention to Shiloh However, several the years have passed and none of the questions regarding this mysterious artist has been answered. Shiloh is still silent. There isn't any new information , other than the discovery of Shiloh’s Brother Sage Odessa. In spite of this Shiloh's presence, his influence has become even more profound in pockets of underground music. The album isn't on the charts or featured in the media however, a little research uncovers just how much power Shiloh is having on a plethora of fans and artists and especially within the fast-growing music scene that is dominated by the lo-fi. The Spotify playlist called "Shiloh Dynasty" was made by raynuralim and features songs that take inspiration from Shiloh. The playlist is primarily composed by DIY artists who are more inclined to lo-fi soundscapes. It includes more than 300 songs. When you click through to the artists included and look at their stats the majority have one song that's far greater in popularity than all the other songs. The outlying track almost always is a sample of Shiloh Dynasty. The mysterious artist hasn't released one single track in the last six months, yet has seen a rise from 5,000 to 50k Spotify followers, which is a 949% increase, according to Indify.
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